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causes and how to fix 12 errors in WordPress

Well here we will discuss about the 12 errors that most occur in WordPress and how to overcome them:

1. Syntax Error on WordPress
For those of you who like to make changes especially on plugins or themes to be careful, because this WordPress syntax error occurs because there are several coding scripts that are missing so that the function does not run perfectly.

The solution is you can read the error message that is displayed on the line / line how many script coding problems. To make editing the coding script easier, you can use a text editor such as notepad ++, sublime or similar applications. If you do not master the coding script, please ask the forum or ask for help from the hosting support team that you are using.

2. Error Establishing a Database Connection
Easy Tips on How to Overcome Error Establishing a Database Connection on WordPress
Easy Tips on How to Overcome Error Establishing a Database Connection on WordPress
Error establishing a database connection occurs because the database connection is problematic, so communication between the database and PHP files is problematic. The main reason is that the database is corrupt, the login credential is wrong, the plugin is problematic and the hosting server is down. To fix this, it's easy, you just go to cPanel and check DB_NAME and DB_USER, make sure it's the same. For more details, please check the article to resolve the error establishing a database connection.

3. Error 403 Forbidden
blog Easy Ways to Overcome Error 403 Forbidden on WordPress
blog Easy Ways to Overcome Error 403 Forbidden on WordPress
Error 400 - 499 that happened to WordPress because of a problem with the client error. In the previous article about overcoming a 403 forbidden error, it was explained that the main cause came from the problematic file or folder permissions. Another cause that often makes an error 403 is from an htaccess file or it can also be from a problematic WordPress plugin.

4. Error 404
How to Overcome Error 404 WordPress Easily
How to Overcome Error 404 WordPress Easily
This error 404 the problem is still the same as before, namely in the client section. The difference for this 404 error occurs because when you access the web page but the browser does not find the page you are looking for. So there appears an error message 404 on the browser you are using. The solution is to overcome the 404 error by refreshing the web page, permalink reset, restore the htaccess file or using the broken link checker plugin. To know more about how you can check the discussion of overcoming a 404 error on WordPress.

5. 500 Internal Server Error
The Fastest-Addressing-500-Internal-Server-Error-in-WordPress
The Fastest-Addressing-500-Internal-Server-Error-in-WordPress
The display of 500-599 errors that occur in WordPress is usually the main problem with server errors. In some browsers or servers the display of error 500 will be different, for example like this:

  1. 500 Internal Server Error
  2. HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error
  3. Temporary Error (500)
  4. HTTP 500 Internal Error
  5. 500 Error
  6. Internal Server Error
  7. HTTP Error 500
  8. That's an erro
  9. The website cannot display the page - HTTP 500

There are several ways that you can use to solve the problem of 500 Internal Server Errors,
please read the article first to overcome 500 Internal Server Errors on WordPress.

6. Error 502 Bad Gateway
According to an explanation from Wikipedia, Error 502 Bad gateway occurs because the gateway or proxy receives an invalid response from the server. So when a user browsing a website, the browser will send a request to the web hosting server, then it will be processed and sent back to the user. If this process fails, a 502 Bad Gateway error warning will appear.

7. Error 503 Service Unavailable
This error 503 is found not only in WordPress, this error can also be found on the website or blog. A 503 error message occurs because when you access a file but the server but the page you are looking for is not found on the server. The main cause of the problematic script, the server is down, the theme or plugin is problematic and can also be due to DDoS attacks resulting in an error server unreachable.

8. Connection Time Out Error
Almost similar to 503 service, the connection time out error occurs because the server configuration is problematic or the server is overloading because many users access it. The solution is you can increase the server specifications higher so that all traffic can be processed by the server. Besides that, you also need to check the WordPress plugins that make heavy and large resources consumed on the server.

9. White Screen Error
This white screen error occurs because the memory available on the server has been overloaded or from troubled themes and plugins. Usually this problem occurs after doing WordPress updates to the latest version. The solution that you can take is to try to disable the plugin and WordPress theme. Besides that, try to increase the limit of PHP WordPress so that the memory can be bigger.

10. Irregular WordPress Display Layout
The main reason is that the HTML or CSS tags are corrupted, which disrupts all displays and functions that are displayed by WordPress. The solution is that you can fix the problematic HTML and CSS tags. There is another way to change the new theme, so the HTML and CSS tags return to normal.

11. Can't Login Administrator
The main reason can be a hacking WordPress account so the username and password have been changed. To prevent this you can change the WordPress login URL. The standard WordPress URL usually uses namadomain.com/wp-admin by changing the custom according to what you want so it is safer from hacking attacks.

12. Can't Upload Images
Files that are supported to be able to upload to WordPress are image formats such as jpg, jpeg, png and gif. In addition to the image format, an error can be ascertained. If you have uploaded the image format but there is an error, the problem could be because the location of the image storage folder that is hosted is changed, the folder URL is incorrect or activates cPanel protect directory. The fix is ​​to check the wp-content / uploads / images folder's permissions to make sure it's 755 and turn off the cPanel protect feature.

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